The hand history isn't pasting here for some reason so I'll write it out.
I am dealt 732xx and raise from the cutoff. The big blind calls. We both draw 2, and I end up w/ 77332. He checks calls my bet. At this point he draws 2 so I decide to stay pat. He check calls another bet from me and draws 1. Once again he checks and I bet. Fold fold fold fold. Nope he calls, and ...... the pot gets pushed .... to me! ?????
He immediately writes oops, and says he thought there was a draw left. Still I had 2 pair!!!!!! He had 87654 lol. So now I get caught snowing, and I won the hand. Best case scenario because I had just sat down at the table and I rarely ever do that. Now guys will be calling me down with all sorts of stuff.
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