Saturday, January 16, 2010

Good Ole UB

So I got an email from UB on January 14th, and in it, it had a link advertising discounted entries into the upcoming UB series if you registered in December through their store.  Notice what day I received it.  Anyway I wrote them this back:

Nice to get this email in January after the December discounts.

and this is their cleverly constructed reply:
Dear Christopher,

Thank you for contacting us.

Your kind words and loyalty to the Ultimatebet family are very much appreciated.

We are happy to hear that you are pleased with the quality of service received, games and promotions. Rest assured that your feedback is always welcome, since we are aware that it is our customer's critiques and suggestions what helps us improve every day.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you require any type of assistance in the future. It is our main concern to provide you with the best poker experience and the most helpful customer support available!

Best regards,


Customer Support Department


TheGraveWolf said...

Wow. Just wow.

Bag said...

I think Vern was probably firing up a super-user sesh while responding to your email and didn't quite read it carefully.

A Slice of Pi - Life Is Good

Chris Viox