Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stepping Stone

Last night I went very deep in SCOOP #6 $109 Pot Limit 5 Card Draw ultimately finishing 2nd.  While I hate to play the game, it did get interesting as we got deep and the metagame got more developed.  The guy I faced HU was very solid, and I think I made some errors of not adjusting well to how he was playing resulting in me calling some hands I should have folded.  Here is an article on pokerstars about the final table:

There are some bad errors because obviously the guy writing it doesn't understand the game, but they make me sound great (so I encourage you to read it :) ). 

During the tourney, I looked up my historical results in 5 Card Draw.  I only play the game during the SCOOP and WCOOP, but I remembered doing fairly well when I did play.  The results are kind of interesting.  I have played 9 tournies in my life - 3 super sat, 2 WCOOPs, and 4 SCOOPs.  I have cashed in all 3 supers, both WCOOPs, and 2 of the 4 SCOOPs (7 out of 9 ain't too shabby).  However, this was my first significant cash.  While I don't look forward to the next time I play this game,  I nevertheless will be in the mix again I hope.

1 comment:

TheGraveWolf said...

Nice job Pi. I liked the part of the article titled "The Master vs The Scooter" lol

A Slice of Pi - Life Is Good

Chris Viox