For my inagural blog, I am doing a moon type run through of my HORSE tourney from yesterday. Any comments or insight on some hands would be appreciated.
R - raise BUT - Button L - limp
RR - reraise CO - cutoff
Ch - check HJ - hijack
B - bet UTG,BB,SB
Holdem 20/40 3000 in chips
1) SB 99 2nd hand of tourney folds@ I R, BB calls qj4 B Call, 8 Ch B Call, A Ch Ch, he wins w/ J9
2) HJ 44 folds@ I R, BB call, kj9 Ch B fold
3) BUT ATs 2nd pos (xrao) R, 3rd call, I call, k63 (2 of my suit) 2nd R fold I RR fold
4) BUT JJ 3rd pos R, I RR Calls, A92 B I RR fold
I have noticed that xrao raises loosely and all the time (pretty much an autoraise in mid to latepos if folded to him)
Omaha H/L 30/60 3110 in chips (suited cards in parentheses)
5) BB A9(53), folds@ SB complete I R Call, JT7 Ch Ch (opt not to B w/ complete miss), 8 B fold
6) SB A2(72), 3rd (xrao) L, BUT R, I Call BB Call 3rd Call (4-Handed) AK4 Ch@ BUT B, all fold
7) BB 2(34)6 UTG R I Call, k97 ch ch, K I B Call, 6 ch B fold
Razz 40/80 7 ante 10 bring in 2870 in chips ( ) - down cards (i am leaving out other upcards b/c too difficult to record)
8) (73)2K47(J) xrao ( )4TT3 on 3rd R I call, 4th bet I call, 5th I bet, R, I RR call, 6th I B R
I call, 7th ch ch, he shows a 754 down and wins
9) (42)3983(Q) xrao ( )A6QT 3rd R I call, 4th R I call, 5th I R RR I call, 6th B I R RR I cap
7th B I call he shows 973 down and wins (this was ridiculously played by him he put in the 3rd bet on 6th street on more than likely a draw. I can see there is no way he is ahead so I cap it w/ one to come knowing he has to hit)
10) (KQ)7 I L in late pos and get HU w/ bring in bet on 4th & win
Stud 50/100 10 ante 15 BI 1323 in chips
11) (AK)J bought
12) (44)2x vs ( )JJ i was BI got a free look at 4th & fold to his bet
13) (7T)J3 vs ( )78s vs ( )Q6 3rd 7up R i decide to take flyer & Q comes in behind, 78 bets I fold (very marginal play by me at best)
14) (AQ)JK95(5) vs ( )3Q62 I bet whole way and R me on 7th I fold
I ended the 1st hour w/ 853 in chips. I won 6 hands (all on flop or b4 or 4th street or b4). xrao continued to bet, raise & reraise w/o any thoughts of other players holdings. However, he was hot and had a fair amount of chips (which was good).
Stud H/L 60/120 10 ante 20 BI 873 in chips
15) (43)6466(6) xrao ( )57QsK 3 clubs up 3rd R I call, 4th B I call, 5th I B R call, 6th I ch
(stupidly) ch, 7th I B he calls - he had flush (I am now at 1400)
16) (AA)73 ( )Q3 3rd I R call, 4th I B fold (1523)
17) (75)AQJ vs ( )39A vs ( )2Q5 suited 3rd Limped, 4th ck@, 5th 2q5 bets i fold (this is a
marginal holding on 3rd but the A up provides me some scare potential
and I got in for only the bring in
18) (8A)2 I was BI and got a walk
19) (24)A324 xrao ( )5Q7K I opened and bet whole way won on 6th (2013)
20) (KT)KJ3J(T) vs ( )42T7 all same suit I opened in late and bet thru 5th street, check called
6th and 7th and was lucky to split. He had 36k down none of suit
Holdem 80/160 2133 in chips
21) SB KQ, BUT R I RR call, Q42 I B call, 9 I B call, A ch ch he had TT (2700)
22) SB AJ xrao R CO call BUT RR I fold (xrao flops flush w/ KTs to win a monster)
23) 2nd 77, I R SB RR call, KK3 B I call, 8 B fold (not sure how to play this)
Omaha H/L 100/200 2133 in chips
24) 2nd (35)48 I L, it gets R and RR I fold (marginal limp at best, I hit straight for half if stayed)
25) 3rd A8(J3) fold to UTG R
26) UTG AK(Q4) I R, 2nd RR I call, 236 B R I call, 7 (2nd of my suit) I B R I call, A (of my suit)
I B, R, I RR he calls w/ A224 (I am lucky to 3/4 him)
27) BB (56)(T7) CO R SB call I call (marginal call), A24 (2 of my suit) ch ch B fold I R call,
J I B call, 3 I B, R, I call, he has AA57 and we split
28) SB (A2)98 folds@ I R BB RR call, A374K I ch call flop & turn, ch ch river, he has AAQJ split
Razz 120/240 20 ante 40 BI 2496 in chips
29) (87)AT vs ( )A6 vs ( )2K L @ on 3rd fold to B on 4th (marginal starting hand basically
looking to play the other guys hand)
30) (98)62JA(7) vs ( )2ATT poor hand by me then got beat on 7th, guy B 3rd & 4th, I B
6th and ch called 7th he had 643 down (1020 in chips)
31) (92)A27 xrao ( )K85 xrao is BI, I R w/ only 1 low card up behind me & xrao calls! I B 4th &
5th he folds 1550 chips
32) (32)542A(J) vs (23)4J68(6) i call R on 3rd, I B rest of way he R on 6th I RR to put him
allin drawing dead 2660
End of 2nd Hour 2620 in chips (Avg 3865 Im in 554 of 804). xrao has over 10K and is in top ten. Chips are going to be up for grabs.
Stud 150/300 25 ante 50 BI 2620 chips
33) (JT)Q24 vs ( )7TA 3rd I R RR I call, he bets 4th & 5th I fold
34) (KQ)T bought
35) (AQ)J bought 2350 chips
36) (TQ)JQ95(Q) vs ( )336A 3rd I R call (he was BI), 4th 5th & 6th B I call (I dont think he has
trips possibly a lower 2 pair, maybe nothing), 7th ch I B call, he has 765
down (his 3rd street call is very poor) 3700
37) (AA)652Q(T) vs ( )JT6K 3rd R I call (trying to disguise), 4th B I R call, 5th ch I B call,
6th & 7th ch ch he has J94 down, I m up to 4550
Stud H/L 200/400 30 ante 50 BI 4550 in chips
38) (3T)A bought
39) (79)852 vs ( )JT7 I was BI & got free look, I B 4th & 5th to win 5100
40) (3K)AA vs ( )2Q 3rd L 4th B & won 5500
Pearljammed sits on my left
41) (3K)A236(8) vs ( )7532 3rd I R (steal) call, 4th & 5th ch I B call, 6th ch ch (I dont see him
folding and I am weak), 7th B I make a crying call (I hit an unlikely to win
low & split w/ my pair of 3s) he has A62 down 5450
42) (99)295 (all up r suited) vs ( )AKJ 3rd I BI & get free look, 4th B I call, 5th ch B fold 5875
Holdem 250/500 5675 in chips
43) UTG AKs, I R SB RR call, T(72) 2 of my suit, B, I R, RR call, 3 B I call, Q ch ch (he had only
260 left) he has AK for chop. did I misplay this at any point?...4 bet flop or bet river?
44) HJ KQ bought 6175
45) UTG AQ, I R, 3rd RR I call, T93 ch fold
Omaha H/L 300/600 5050 in chips
46) BUT (A9)23 xrao R I call, JT7 B I fold (he is not the guy to make a move on)
47) 2nd AAQ8, I R (not that great of play), xrao RR, BUT RRR we call, 763 flop ch fold 2950
48) UTG (A3)(Q3), I L blinds come in KQ9 2 of my A high suit, ch ch I B fold@ 3550
49) BB A2(J9), xrao R I call, 8548 I ch call flop & turn, A ch ch, he has 25J9, I get 3/4, 4413
50) 2nd A4(K5) L 5-Handed, QT5 2 of my suit, I R xrao RR call, A ch ch, 2 ch ch, he has QJT9
I may have missed a bet but I had no low & fairly weak high 5913
I end the 3rd hour at 5463 (Avg 7507 251 of 404) xrao has lost most of his chips including alot on a poorly played hand agains PearlJammed (who may have played it worse). PJ R CO w/ AJ77, xrao RR in SB w/ AA96, flop Q53 B call, T B call, K B R call. First of all PJ should not be stealing those blinds w/ that hand or calling flop or turn. xrao should have ch called river. All in all awfully played by both.
Razz 400/800 75 ante 100 BI 5463
51) (42)A6KQ(J) vs (38)A2TQ(4), 3rd shortstack R I RR call, get it allin on 4th for about 4500
pot, I brick 3 straight 3350
52) (A6)42TQ(8) xrao (34)925J(6), 3rd I L as does xrao, on 4th we get it allin for a 3500 pot,
he is drawing to a 9 me to a 6, he hits a 65 I brick 1650
53) (63)AQ55(9) vs (62)323T(4) allin on 3rd & I double up on coin flip 3500
A bunch of BI and antes takes me down
Stud 500/1000 100 ante 150 BI 1673
54) (A7)QJ vs ( )29 3rd I R BI calls, I buy on 4th
55) (6A)Q4 vs ( )2Q vs ( )66, 3rd I try to steal 2 callers fold on 4th (it is 500 to R on 3rd for 950
antes & BI, I try to steal at this point if I have highest card up plus live cards down)
56) (QJ)Q7JT(6) vs (9K)K885(J) desparation mode I get allin on 3rd
I got knocked out 305th out of 1036 (29.44 percentile). I mention this b/c Moon said my over/under for this event was 30th %ile (nice line Moon). I felt I played real well minus a few marginal hands I'd like back. If the two Razz hands go my way when I am ahead on the last cycle, I have 10K+ in chips. I fought back from a frigid 1st hour that left me shortstacked, but I could never get over the hump.
Today, I am going to Raging Rivers w/ my wife & kids for a nice day in the sun at a water park.
Tonight I am playing in the $200 PL Holdem Event #3.
1 comment:
On #23 I think the play is just fold the flop, the guy has to have a higher pair or AK, maybe he could have AQ but then he is probably just gonna fire again on the turn and make you fold (which you did).
On the AKs flush draw hand, I think you might as well 4-bet the flop with his stack, though it sure looks like he might have AA KK or TT.
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